

Now You Can Borrow DOLA from 0xB1’s Fuse Pool 127


Head of Growth


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Cover Image for Now You Can Borrow DOLA from 0xB1’s Fuse Pool 127

More DOLA + Awesome Collateral

Today we opened another DOLA lending facility on Rari’s Fuse Pool 127, managed by our friend 0xB1. Holders of assets like APE, DOP, JPEG, GOHM, and FODL can now borrow DOLA against these assets as well as others at interest rates that are significantly lower than those available for competing stablecoins.

This is the first of a series of efforts with 0xB1 to bring new value to our communities, and this collaboration builds on our successful efforts with @Tetranode on Fuse Pool 6, BadgerDAO on Fuse Pool 22, where a combined $10 million in DOLA liquidity is already active.

How to Borrow DOLA on Fuse Pool 127

  1. Visit Fuse Pool 127 and deposit collateral or enable borrowing on collateral you’ve already deposited.

  2. Find DOLA on the list of available currencies.

  3. Initiate Your DOLA Loan. Based on the loan-to-value (LTV) of the asset being used as collateral, you’ll be prompted to indicate the amount of DOLA you wish to borrow.

  4. Implement your DeFi Strategy Using DOLA

    • Swap DOLA for other assets

    • Stake DOLA for rewards on Fuse Pool 127

    • Buy more of your collateral, deposit and repeat to leverage long Bond to get INV at a discount

    • Deposit DOLA in curve DOLA-3Pool, use it as collateral in Anchor and earn 10%

    • Bridge to Fantom and earn even higher yield on Yearn, Beefy, and Tetu.

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.


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Head of Growth